Getting Started

Good to know: your product docs aren't just a reference of all your features! use them to encourage folks to perform certain actions and discover the value in your product.

Supported wallet

Below are the wallets tested and supported by Windvane:

Wallet Connect

Though connecting via wallet-connect is supported on mobile phone and pads, it is strongly suggested to use the dapp browser inside your wallet app instead.

If there is no other choice but to login via wallet-connect, please make sure:

  • Always open in a full-featured browser like Safari, Chrome;

  • Don't open inside any other apps, eg. Discord, Telegram, Twitter, as there are many known compability issues for wallet-connect in such cases.

  • Make sure to select Ethereum/KCC/BSC network when connecting.

What are some key terms to know before start?

NFT—the full name is Non-Fungible Token, refers to a non-fungible token, which is the only cryptocurrency token used to represent digital assets (including jpg and video clip forms), which can be bought and sold.NFT is indivisible and unique. It is based on blockchain technology and is a proof of digital asset ownership. NFTs can be used to prove ownership of many tangible or intangible assets, such as music, artwork, virtual world wearables, in-game items, and more.

Ethereum – Ethereum is a blockchain and ETH is the currency used to conduct transactions on the Ethereum blockchain.

Gas Fees - gas fees as transaction costs on the Ethereum blockchain. Windvane has no say in setting gas fees - they are determined by supply/demand across the network (blockchain).

Wallet Address - Your wallet address is unique. It is the address people will use when sending cryptocurrencies or NFTs to your cryptocurrency wallet.

How to search NFTs?

If you know what you're looking for, you can search directly in the "search bar". If you want to be more selective, you can narrow your search in various ways, such as price, time, etc.

How to buy Ethereum

Visit KuCoin platform: ,This will provide a way to buy Ethereum with cash.

Last updated