What are gas fees on Windvane?

Gas fees are transaction fees on Ethereum. Windvane does not receive these fees and is not able to refund them.

Actions that Cost Gas

The actions below consume gas fee:

  • Approving any collection (One-Time only);

  • Buying an NFT;

  • Accepting an offer;

  • Canceling a listing;

  • Transferring NFT to another address;

Gas-Free Actions

The actions below will do not require paying gas fees.

  • Listing NFTs;

  • Lowering Price;

  • Making an offer;

Whether the platform will launch genesis activities for users?

Yes, the Windvane genesis activities have been launched, global profit dividends, NFT sales dividends and other benefits are waiting for you.Attending activities now: https://discord.gg/windvane

How to contact Windvane customer service?

You can join our discord:https://discord.gg/windvane and ask the admin directly.

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Last updated